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กนกรัตน์ ดวงพิกุล
ลัดดาวัลย์ นันปลิว


This research aimed to study factors of marketing mix that affecting consumers’ purchasing decisions and study the behavior of purchasing in traditional trade from Phoom-Praew shop, in Muang District, Nan Province. It was a quantitative research and collected data by questionnaire from the target samples who have purchased from traditional trade and dwelled in Nan Province. There were 80 samples derived by a convenient sampling method and analyze data using statistical software. The results showed that the most of the respondents were female between 25-30 years old, completed diploma/higher education diploma or equivalent, were single, earned a monthly income below 5,000 Baht. The residence was a dormitory. For the factors that affect consumer’s purchasing decision were the marketing mix factors in high level, in total, with the average of 3.72. When considering 4 aspects of the factors found that First, the place was at the average of 4.32 at a most level. Second, the product was at the average of 4.03 at a high level. Third, the price was at the average of 3.56 at a high level. Last, the promotion was at the average of 2.95 at a moderate level. As for purchasing behavior, most of them had purchasing behavior in urgent needs 75 %, purchased for themselves 46.3 %, the location of the shop near the accommodation or office 41.3 %, the especially products were non-alcoholic beverages 38.7 % and had a frequency of purchase 3-5 times a week 32.5 %.

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How to Cite
ดวงพิกุล ก. ., & นันปลิว ล. (2020). FACTORS AFFECTING CONSUMERS’ PURCHASING DECISIONS FROM PHOOM-PRAEW SHOP, MUANG DISTRICT, NAN PROVINCE . MCU Haripunchai Review, 4(1), 77–90. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/245382
Research Article


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