Reflection and Opinions on Public Service of Government Agencies

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Nathapon Kongsila


The image of government agencies both past and present has not been developed to the highest point in people's feelings. In addition, feelings also reflect the royalty more than service person as an employee, because the long-cultivated values make people that is just a blurring of truth in accordance with the democratic conceptual framework of Thai society. Although the government sector has a budget for the development of knowledge, skills, potential, as well as good management systems according to the principles of good governance and strategies for developing government officials, but the image of the inequality between the state and the people has not improved from the past. It shows that the main heart of the government agencies are serving the people as the owners of the country, taxpayers and master of Thai government officials, even the government has to give people more importance with these practices namely, 1. Serving the people with the heart of a good employee. 2. Budget management worthily and transparent that people can know. 3. Improving the quality of life development to reduce the gap between the poor and the rich. 4. The agencies’ ability that can solve the problems of the people. 5. Norms equally and 6. Creating a proud image for the people.

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How to Cite
Kongsila, N. (2021). Reflection and Opinions on Public Service of Government Agencies. MCU Haripunchai Review, 5(1), 88–97. Retrieved from
Academic article


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