A study of Praying for Rian in Lanna by Study of the Kaen chan Buddha Image Parade Ceremony, Wat Pa Tan Luang, Maeta dictric, Lampang Province

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Phraatikarn Pankaew Indhapañño (Watlo)


A study of Praying for Rian in Lanna by Study of the Kaen chan Buddha Image Parade Ceremony, Wat Pa Tan Luang, Maeta dictric, Lampang Province were as follows: 1) to study the history of praying for rain in Buddhism, 2) to study the ritual of praying for rain in Lanna by studying the procession of Kaen chan Buddha Image at Wat Pa Tan Luang, Mae Ta District, Lampang Province, and 3) to analyze the ritual about praying for rain in Buddhism. This study is a qualitative research methodology, commentary, study from documents and in-depth interviews.

            The study found that Buddhism is mentioned that the factors cause the rain it is caused by natural factors, it is caused by human actions and which is believed that it arises from the inspiration of the powerful deities. Praying for rain in Thai society there are sectors, very similar as well as having similar foundations of belief, the northern region has many forms of rain praying rituals, including the procession of Phra chao fon sa ha, Chi Bang Fai (Light Fireball), Worship to Phrayathan, the procession of White Elephant, the procession of Plachon Praying for Rain etc.

            Wat Pa Tan Luang, Mae Ta District, Lampang Province there is  Kaen chan Buddha Image that was believed when invited Kaen chan Buddha Image that can inspire the rain. Wat Pa Tan Luang will invite Kaen chan Buddha Image twice a year that is New Year or Songkran Day and Yi Peng Festival. If there is a drought they will invite Kaen chan Buddha Image in special circumstances, the community cooperated helped to organize the ritual causing harmony,  inherited the precious traditions and to generate income with encouraging the economy in the community.

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How to Cite
Indhapañño (Watlo), P. P. (2021). A study of Praying for Rian in Lanna by Study of the Kaen chan Buddha Image Parade Ceremony, Wat Pa Tan Luang, Maeta dictric, Lampang Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 5(1), 32–39. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/252547
Research Article


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