Creation and development of a modern government organization culture

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Waraporn Ongkaloy


The corporate culture of the state is slow to dynamic because of a lack of focus and sincerity. Moreover, large government organizations have made the cultural development movement so fragmented that it has become habituation and slow down to the direction of changing the context of nine-to-five that cannot meet the needs of the people much. Moreover, the culture of power management is structured from top to bottom, mainly listening to the command of the commander. It includes the hierarchy system, patronage system, corruption in the government, providing legal assistance for offenders that have becoming the characteristics that the people perceive and has become a rotten culture in the bureaucratic system for a long time. The creation of a state corporate culture is the key to shaping behavior and attitudes of government officials, government agencies that can lead to quality performance under the concept of spirit of public service to the general public namely: 1. government organization which is ready to serve the people. 2. government organization that focuses on professional service. 3. government organization that emphasizes human value. 4. government organization under the competence of Thai government officials 5. government organization through a system of morality and ethics 6. government organization that has a common sense of belonging 7. government organization that aims to be responsible for the public. It may take time for government organizations to pursue goals and adjust their culture to modernization.

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How to Cite
Ongkaloy, W. . (2021). Creation and development of a modern government organization culture. MCU Haripunchai Review, 5(1), 77–87. Retrieved from
Academic article


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