An Elderly School: The Pattern of an elderly using the Buddhist way of the Elderly School in Muang District Lamphun Province.

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Phra Channarong Attanto (Saoratnaphrai)


This research article aims to 1. to study the concept of caring for the elderly in the elderly schools in Muang District, Lamphun Province; 2. to study the model of caring for the elderly in the Elderly Schools in Muang District, Lamphun Province; and 3. to study the problems, obstacles and to build a network of the elderly. in Muang District, Lamphun Province. Study from the document Related research And in-depth interviews From key informants, namely staff caring for the elderly, totaling 6 people and elderly 9 people, totaling 15 people. The research results were found that 1) The concept of caring for the elderly at an elderly school in Muang District, Lamphun Province is a concept of participation in various sectors. Of each local community Is a policy maker Elderly care action planning School structure designation Teaching and learning structure Teaching and learning curriculum And monitoring and evaluation And analysis of performance results 2) The model of care for the elderly at an elderly school in Muang District, Lamphun Province has 2 forms: 1. Social work model, elderly care It is a joint integration in helping the elderly. Through volunteer activities 2. The development of welfare in caring for the elderly has 2 forms: 1. Welfare development, physical, psychological, and social care. And 2. Development of welfare, caring for the elderly through Dharma propagation. Through activities And important days in Buddhism and 3) Problems and obstacles to caring for the elderly at an elderly school in Muang District, Lamphun Province, which are: 1. Problems in managing welfare for the elderly; 2. The shortage of welfare provision for elderly care; 4. The lack of integrated information 5. The lack of transportation vehicles 6. The lack of accessories to take care.

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How to Cite
Attanto (Saoratnaphrai), P. C. (2021). An Elderly School: The Pattern of an elderly using the Buddhist way of the Elderly School in Muang District Lamphun Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 5(2), 14–22. Retrieved from
Research Article


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