An Improvement Quality of Life Model Social Support and the Persistence of the Gilanupatthakas in the Region 7 Sangha Administration

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PhramahaNattanan Anālayo (Kunjaruspokin),
Phoonchai Punthiya
Phramaha Thanatpong Subrahmapañño (Kitarn)


This research article is of three objectives: 1) to investigate the context of Phra Gilānupatthākas' quality of life in Region 7, Sangha Administration, 2) to investigate the factors that contribute to the remain of Gilānupatthākas in the Regions 7 Sangha Administration and 3) to reach for a model for improving the quality of life in the Region 7 Sangha Administration of Gilānupatthākas. It is mixed research with quantitative research using questionnaires from a sample group of 330 monks in the Sangha Administration Region 7 (Chiang Mai, Lamphun, and Mae Hong Son provinces) and qualitative research using an in-depth interview with a group of 20 key informants.

The findings revealed that 1) the condition of the quality of life of monks in the Region 7 Sangha administration was characterized by bodily pains such as headaches, abdominal pains, body aches, and so on. They are unable to do what they desire, with a arithmetic’s mean at 4.518 on the greatest scale. They were under moderate stress and anxiety arithmetic’s mean at 3.409. In terms of social relationships, they were found to be highly satisfied with making friends or getting along with others on a mean arithmetic’s mean at 3.518 level. And in the environment, they are familiar with the necessary information in daily life, with an average value of arithmetic’s mean at 3.927, which is also high.  2) Factors contributed to the Gilānupatthākas monks' perseverance. It was discovered that social support factors such as mental care, support, and assistance in activities associated with the organization were taken seriously in the promotion and support of being a Gilānupatthākas monk. 3) A model for increasing life satisfaction, social support, and perseverance, it was agreed that there should be academic training in the temple health promotion volunteer project in the Region 7 Sangha Administration. They should have the necessary and sufficient support for the Four Requisites to improve their quality of life. It should be supported in the field of social support by both public and private organizations, particularly religious organizations in the area and the persistence of Gilānupatthākas. They should instill in the monks a sense of pride in their roles and missions

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How to Cite
Kunjaruspokin, P. N., Punthiya, P., & Subrahmapañño (Kitarn), P. T. (2022). An Improvement Quality of Life Model Social Support and the Persistence of the Gilanupatthakas in the Region 7 Sangha Administration. MCU Haripunchai Review, 6(2), 1–15. Retrieved from
Research Article


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