The Learning Academy Administration Based On The Four Noble Truths The General Section Of Phrapariyatidhamma School Loei Province

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PhramahaArkom Atthamethee
Prasong Hatsarin


The objectives of this research were 1) to study academic administration according to the Four Noble Truths 2) to compare the level of opinions towards the academic administration according to the Four Noble Truths in Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, affiliated in the Department of General Education, Loei Province, classified by the samples’ positions, education levels, age and, work experience; 3) to study the guidelines for the development of academic administration according to the Four Noble Truths in Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, affiliated in the Department of General Education, Loei Province. This study was carried out by means of mixed-method research. A sample group included 127 administrators and teachers. The tools used were a questionnaire with reliability value of 0.938 and interviews. The statistics used were: Frequency, Percentage, Mean, and, Standard Deviation, t-test and f-test (One Way ANOVA). The obtained data were analyzed to find the conclusion.  The research results were as follows : 1) The academic administration according to the Four Noble Truths in Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, affiliated with the Department of General Education, Loei Province, as a whole, showed a high mean value in all aspects, including the development of learning processes, curriculum development for educational institutions, internal quality assurance and educational standards, evaluation and academic result transfer, development and promotion of learning resources and the development and use of media and technology for education. 2) Based on the comparison, the opinions of administrators and teachers towards academic administration according to the Four Noble Truths in Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, affiliated with the Department of General Education, Loei Province, overall, classified by position, education levels, age, and work experience were different in all aspects with a statistical significance level of 0.05.  3) The guidelines for academic administration according to the Four Noble Truths in Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, affiliated with the Department of General Education, Loei Province were 1) in terms of curriculum development for educational institutions, the schools should improve the curriculum so that the content of the course is compact; 2) in the development of learning processes, difficulty subjects should be organized in the early classes of the morning and afternoon sessions or courses that are related to each other should be arranged continuously. 3) In terms of assessment and evaluation and the transfer of academic results, workshops should be organized so teachers can learn, understand, and apply the assessment and evaluation methods in practice. 4) In terms of internal quality assurance and educational standards, the preparation of documents related to quality assurance should be continuously and periodically monitored. 5) In regards to the development and use of media and technology for education, adequate media and technology should be provided by allocating budgets and accepting donations from people or teachers should be encouraged to create innovative materials that facilitate teaching through compensation. 6) In terms of the development and promotion of learning resources, students should be taken to search for knowledge in learning sources that are consistent with that lesson

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How to Cite
Atthamethee, P., Hatsarin, P., & tkhunrangsi, P. (2022). The Learning Academy Administration Based On The Four Noble Truths The General Section Of Phrapariyatidhamma School Loei Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 6(2), 49–64. Retrieved from
Research Article


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