Guidelines for the management of bilingual studies Ratchaprachanukroh 31 School Chiang Mai Province

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Panchada Chaimongkon
Phramahasakun Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr.
Chalee Pakdee


The purposes of this study were 1) to examine the administrative state of the dual education management of Rajaprajanukroh School 31, 2) to explore the guidelines for the dual education management of Rajaprajanukroh 31 School. This study was a qualitative research and the key informants were the director, deputy director of school and 14 teachers. The instruments used were interview and focus group discussion for 9 people by descriptive content analysis.

           The results showed that

          1) The state of dual education management of Rajaprajanukroh School 31, it was found that 1. The input aspect asked for cooperation between the school committee, teachers, and parents’ representatives, 2. The change process had been coordinated with the person responsible for the evaluation, 3. The productivity factor had been managed administration on learning achievement according to the guidelines for the dual education management, 4. The back information, 40 percent of the learners had applied their knowledge and skills to work in the workplace, and     5. The environment had taken implemented in response to the policy and also coordinating with various institutions both internally and externally.

          2) Guidelines for dual education management of Rajaprajanukroh School 31, it found that 1. There should be defined the dual education program that school opened 5 branches, 2. There should be defined the competencies and professional educational standards, 3. There should have a project of remedial camp by collaboration between schools and vocational institutes participating in the MOU to tutoring students with GPA less than 2.00, 4. There should be follow-up data for students who have completed a dual education program, and 5. There should be a public relations project on the teaching and learning of dual education for the community and society every year.

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How to Cite
Chaimongkon, P., Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr., P., & Pakdee, C. (2023). Guidelines for the management of bilingual studies Ratchaprachanukroh 31 School Chiang Mai Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(1), 73–87. Retrieved from
Research Article


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