Developing a model for the administration of the student support system for getting to know studentsIndividually using the Brahma Vihara 4 principles of lower secondary school students at Mae Win Samakkee School, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province

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Jiraporn Tongsiri
PhramahaSakun Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr.
Chatchai Sirikulpan


This research aims to 1) To study the situation of the administration of the student care and support system in terms of knowing individual students of junior high school students at Mae Win Samakkee School. 2) To create a model for the development of student care and support system administration in knowing each student as an individual. by using the 4 Brahma Viharn principles of lower secondary school students at Mae Win Samakkee School 3) An experimental model for the development of the administration of the student support system in knowing each student as an individual by using the 4 Brahma Viharn principles of lower secondary school students at Mae Win Samakkee School 4)Evaluate and develop the use of the management development model of the student support system in knowing each student as an individual. by using the four Brahmavihara principles of junior high school students at Mae Win Samakkee School, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province. Research and development methods were Mae Win Samakkee School administrators and teachers, totaling 15 people. Data analysis statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation and standard error. and the interquartile range

          research results

          1) The school does not yet have a system or a clear form of administrative system for taking care of students. cause you do not know the real information

          2) Create a model for the development of student care and support system administration in knowing each student as an individual. By using the principles of 4 Brahma Vihara, namely kindness, kindness, compassion and equanimity, it was found that overall all aspects had the appropriateness and feasibility assessment results.

          3) The experimental results showed that the statistical values ​​were significantly different at 0.05, where all items in all aspects had a t-test value less than 0.05, indicating that there were significant differences in the mean scores. Statistics at level 0.05

          4) The result of the evaluation and development of the use of the model found that all items had the mean value at the highest level, which was the same best model, with the item having the highest mean value was Mutita.

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How to Cite
Tongsiri, J., Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr., P. ., & Sirikulpan, C. (2023). Developing a model for the administration of the student support system for getting to know studentsIndividually using the Brahma Vihara 4 principles of lower secondary school students at Mae Win Samakkee School, Mae Wang District, Chiang Mai Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(1), 29–43. retrieved from
Research Article


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