Maternal and Child Welfare Management of Local Administrative Organizations

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Thaimanee Chaiyarit


The management of maternal and child welfare is defined in the Early Childhood Development Act B.E. 2562 and convention on the protection of maternity C.E. 2000 (B.E. 2543) in the protection of maternity according to the priorities in item 1, such as the pregnant mothers are entitled to maternity leave; all types of employees who are pregnant women by entitling to maternity leave under labor law, maternity allowance and child allowance for children who will receive parenting services, development promotion services, psychological services, social work service, health and nutrition services etc. Local government organizations all over Thailand must pay attention and realize the role that can help and promote a variety of mothers and children who lack or need to receive assistance according to the right they should receive, including 1. Treatment, care and protection of safety in life and property of mother and child, 2.The promoting quality of life both mother and child entirely through physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and intellectually, 3. Organizing a public health team or work together to take care of occupational health, child development and mother’s health, 4. Sufficient budget allocation according to activity plan and projects in a year, 5. Supporting requisite that promote to living each month or according to the needs of the mother and child, and 6. Helping to gain proper access to fundamental state properly.

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How to Cite
Chaiyarit, T. . (2023). Maternal and Child Welfare Management of Local Administrative Organizations. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(1), 194–109. Retrieved from
Academic article


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