Tung Sam Hang Tung Sam Hang: Buddhist Philosophy in Lan Na

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Chutima Sukanthasirikul
Phramaha Duangrat Thitaratano (Kitpraphanon)
Somboon Tasonthi


This article is a study of the Tung Sam Hang (Three-tailed Flag) dhamma riddle in Lan Na. It found that “Tung” means flag in the Lan Na’s Arts in the Northern of Thailand. Most of them have made from fabric, wooden or thread which is shown the riddle of Buddhism which start from Buddhism age and also shown in Thachaggasutra. The first, there are 2 ceremonies for Tung; 1. Happy Ceremony such as Kathina ceremony, house warming ceremony. 2. Sad Ceremony such as Funeral. For the Tung Sam Hang (Three-tailed Flag) is the Lan Na Buddhism’s ceremony for the death. Tung is the art’s flag in the past which would like to teach Buddhism lesson. We find that, in the flag art of Buddhist philosophy, Tung Sam Hang is symbolic of the deceased. The flag is pinned to the front of the coffin and conveyed with it to the graveyard. It represents a dhamma riddle with three meanings: (1) The cycle of life or Vaṭṭa, the threefold round of birth, death, and rebirth, which is the cycle of suffering and has three parts: (1) The cycle of defilements, Kilesa-vatta, which is the cause of birth and death; (2) The cycle of kamma or Kamma-vaṭṭa, the round of physical, verbal and mental actions which cause effects; and (3) The cycle of Vipāka-vaṭṭa, the round of consequences or the effects of kamma. This threefold cycle is unending. (2) That which essentially conveys the core of Buddhist morality: Tilakkhaṇa, the three marks of existence. Tilakkhana consists of Aniccā (impermanence), Dukkha (suffering) and Anattā (non-self). (3). Faith in the Triple Gem of Buddhism. When the dead depart, they will have the Triple Gem on which to depend, and be freed from Apāyabhūmi (the four planes of loss and woe).

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How to Cite
Sukanthasirikul, C. ., Thitaratano (Kitpraphanon), P. D. ., & asonthi , S. (2023). Tung Sam Hang Tung Sam Hang: Buddhist Philosophy in Lan Na. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(1), 179–193. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/262330
Academic article


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