The Innovation of Social Networks Strengthening Based on Four Ways of Kruba Civilization Practice in Lamphun Province

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Nareupan Somcharoen


This article research aims to 1) study the interoperability potential of social networks in Lamphun province; 2) Create and experiment with engagement-enhancing innovations and 3) Evaluate, present and publish the innovation of social networks strengthening based on four ways of kruba civilization practice in Lamphun province. The results showed that:

1) The main strength of each network is that the personnel, mainly those in the community, are able to work to their full potential. Collaboration is carried out to other networks in the community. Be ready to make sacrifices, volunteer. And the main weakness is coordination with local governing bodies and the budget supports the implementation of the network. It has not received the full support of stakeholders in government agencies.

2) Creating and experimenting the innovation of social networks strengthening based on four ways of kruba civilization practice in Lamphun province, use the 7-step innovation cycle concept and experiment with innovation through the process of organizing workshops.

3) Participants scored an average score of 22.45 (good quality) and learning efficiency, process efficiency/outcomes (E1/E2) of 75.13/83.60. The pre- and post-school grade point average was 12.45 points and 16.72 points, and the post-school score was statistically significantly higher than before school at .01. Innovations were presented and disseminated through academic forums and general meetings of the clergy in Lamphun Province. Academic articles and dissemination through electronic database information media.

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How to Cite
Somcharoen, N. (2023). The Innovation of Social Networks Strengthening Based on Four Ways of Kruba Civilization Practice in Lamphun Province . MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(1), 102–116. Retrieved from
Research Article


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