Prapatsorn Chalothorn

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Prapatsorn Chalothorn


This article aims to study “Western psychology” found that Western psychology that focuses on the mind. Is a state of consciousness or a state of consciousness In the 60th century, group psychologists were group behaviorism. Mental drive group Humanist Psychology and the Cognitive Psychology Group, which includes Carl G. Jung, Stanislaw Grove and Maslow, which outlines the broader concept and goals of mental development. And access to happiness that arises from mental development supported by 2 theories, namely positive psychology and transcendental psychology according to the reality of life and the world. Because the mind has a unique nature there is only one nature, abstract, unable to show any form. There must be an object that is born, has qualities, can be known or enlightened. As Western psychoanalysis philosophers call “psychology”, who believe that every behavior is a form of expression that is directed by the mind. Because the mind produces self-understanding modifying certain inappropriate behaviors of individuals with consciousness and insight to determine people's consciousness and behavior to be appropriate to the globalization trend. By applying it as an activity to set postures and create friendships of awakening is the main basis for the development of the mind itself.

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How to Cite
Chalothorn, P. (2023). Prapatsorn Chalothorn. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(1), 164–178. Retrieved from
Academic article
Author Biography

Prapatsorn Chalothorn, Western psychology


This article aims to study “Western psychology” and finds that Western psychology that focuses on the mind. Is a state of consciousness or a state of consciousness In the 60th century, group psychologists were group behaviorism. Mental drive group Humanist Psychology and the Cognitive Psychology Group, which includes Carl G. Jung, Stanislaw Grove, and Maslow, outline the broader concept and goals of mental development. And access to happiness arising from mental development is supported by 2 theories, namely positive psychology, and transcendental psychology according to the reality of life and the world. Because the mind has a unique nature there is only one nature, abstract, unable to show any form. There must be an object that is born, has qualities, and can be known or enlightened. As Western psychoanalysis philosophers call “psychology”, they believe that every behavior is a form of expression that is directed by the mind. Because the mind produces self-understanding modifying certain inappropriate behaviors of individuals with consciousness and insight to determine people's consciousness and behavior to be appropriate to the globalization trend. Applying it as an activity to set postures and create friendships of awakening is the main basis for developing the mind itself.


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