Buddhist principles for raising self-worth awareness of the elderly

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This article aims to present the concepts of Buddhist principles related to the self-esteem of the elderly. Elderly or old age may refer to: Humans are aging at the end of their lives. The definition of older people can vary from one to other aspects, such as biology, demography, etc. Employment and Sociology. Statistically, it is often considered that those in elderly age are individuals aged 60-65 years and older. For Thailand, the elderly are persons aged 60 years or older. A qualified elderly person must have an awareness of self-worth. Which the elderly sees the importance and value of themselves seeing that one is worth is respected by others Feeling good about yourself recognize that you have the ability Beneficial to oneself, family, and society. However, the use of the four principles of meditation as a tool for raising awareness is necessary and can be applied to raising awareness as well. Which the 4 principles of prayer are the 4 principles of self-improvement is physical development to create a healthy body behavior development to live with people in society with quality and happiness mental development to raise the mind to the elderly with morals and ethics and intellectual development to be aware of the changes of things.

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How to Cite
Phrakhrusophonpariyattikit. (2023). Buddhist principles for raising self-worth awareness of the elderly . MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(1), 210–225. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/263116
Academic article


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