Guidelines for Organizing Activities for Development of Desirable Citizenship Characteristics of Students of Social Studies Program, Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University

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Weeranuch Yamyim
Phat Sartasin


This study aims to Build guidelines for organizing activities to develop desirable citizenship characteristics of students of Social Studies Department, Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University.  The target population of this research derived from purposive sampling included 15 lecturers of Social Studies Department, Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University and all 157 students under 6 sections in 2nd semester, academic year 2021.  Research instruments included documentary research, brainstorming form, questionnaire and satisfaction survey.  Findings were as follows.

For guidelines for organizing activities to develop desirable citizen characteristics for students of Social Studies Department, Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University, the students ranked top three characteristics sorted from most to least as follows: teacher's  acceptance of student’s opinions (average of 3.75, standard deviation of 0.45), followed by teacher’s attention to students thoroughly  while teaching (average of 3.73, standard deviation of 0.51) and lastly teacher’s use of variety of teaching methods and media (average of 3.72, standard deviation of 0.55).

Besides, for guidelines for organizing activities to develop desirable citizen characteristics for students of Social Studies Department, Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University, it was considered that such activities would be organized to promote and a curriculum about democratic citizenship for not only undergraduate students but also youth from primary to secondary school, because all levels were appropriate under the current social context.  Also, these dimensions would be added for further education of young people: community’s ways of live and culture, community characteristics for good citizenship, and promoting and focusing on freedom of information, progress and modernity through the use of modern technology, advancement and modernity through the use of modern technology.

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How to Cite
Yamyim, W., & Sartasin, P. (2023). Guidelines for Organizing Activities for Development of Desirable Citizenship Characteristics of Students of Social Studies Program, Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 44–58. Retrieved from
Research Article


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