การพัฒนาแผนชุมชนพึ่งตนเองเชิงบูรณาการตำบลทุ่งฝาย อำเภอเมืองลำปาง จังหวัดลำปาง Development of an integrated self-reliant community plan in Thung Fai Subdistrict Mueang Lampang District, Lampang Province

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Anan Upasod
Sirirat Waowaew
Suwarat LesonKlang
Uamporn Futemwong
Phiboon Chayaowsakul


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to analyze the community context and community funds in Thung Fai Subdistrict, 2) to create learning about the development process of the Integrated Self-Reliance Community Plan in Thung Fai Subdistrict, and 3) to bring the community plan to the Participative practice of Thung Fai sub-district community. It is a qualitative research  collecting data by interviewing. group chat and informal observations Representatives of the people in the study area, all 10 villages, 50 people each.

The results of the study revealed that all 10 villages were old communities. have social capital for development through a system of interconnections in various fields from the agricultural social system There is a system to take care of the elderly and handicapped under the cooperation of the VHV. There is wisdom that the villagers have thought up and used to solve problems. It consists of arts, culture, customs, traditions and folklore and wisdom related to various rituals. There are groups of activities that cause relationships in different ways. On the weaknesses or problems of the community, it was found that There is a similar problem. family problems health problems Lack of cooperation in collective activities

         The important strategic plans were formulated as follows: 1) Environmental Strategic Plans, namely waste separation and waste utilization, Develop riverside landscapes as tourist attractions, water management for agriculture 2) Health Strategic Plans, i.e. people in the community are healthy, the community consumes organic vegetables; 3) Economic Strategic Plans, which are to increase income community is stable by incorporating economic concepts into application; and 4) Social Strategic Plans, namely continuation of customs and cultures.

        Found that the stakeholders had jointly formulated strategic issues in the first phase of year 1, considering potential and feasibility and decided to proceed, namely, the Naa-Mam-Mai-House Project, the Ready-Mixed Soil Fertilizer Development Project, Community Waste Management Project, Village Fund Management Promotion Project and the Nutrient-Free Vegetable Project in line with the Sufficiency Economy and create community learning resources according to SMART FARMER

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How to Cite
Upasod, A., Waowaew , S., LesonKlang , S., Futemwong , U., & Chayaowsakul, P. (2023). การพัฒนาแผนชุมชนพึ่งตนเองเชิงบูรณาการตำบลทุ่งฝาย อำเภอเมืองลำปาง จังหวัดลำปาง: Development of an integrated self-reliant community plan in Thung Fai Subdistrict Mueang Lampang District, Lampang Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 88–102. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/A-07
Research Article


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