The Model of Wellbeing Network Enhancement of Temple Health Promotion Volunteer Monks in Lamphun Province

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ปิ่นปินัทธ์ เหลืองพิทักษ์


The objectives of this article are 1) to study the situation of the well-being network of volunteer monks in Lamphun Province, 2) to develop a process for enhancing the health network, and 3) to present a model for enhancing the well-being network of volunteer monks. This research is a research and development model, Qualitative and operational research. The research tools are interview forms, academic discussion forms, and the development of network enhancing processes. The process are as follows: 1) Network formation process 2) Network management system arrangement 3) Roles and responsibilities of members 4) Network utilization 5) Network maintenance. The researcher analyzed the data according to the content.

          The results showed that:

          1) The situation of the well-being network of volunteer monks in Lamphun Province; There is coordination within the area with many agencies. The roles and responsibilities of members in the network are organized. Raise awareness of the benefits and determine the model enhancing the network. However, there are also weaknesses in the nature of work that different people perform only their own roles. There is also a lack of budget and social awareness in the performance of the well-being network of volunteer monks.

          2) Development of the process of enhancing the health network of volunteer monks; The process is as follows: 1) Network formation process 2) Network management system arrangement 3) Roles and responsibilities of network members 4) Network utilization 5) Network maintenance, and the application of Aparihaniya dhamma principle.

          3) Models for enhancing the well-being network of volunteer monks; The network system is set up including the organization of roles and duties of members, potential and competency development, the encouragement and welfare. In addition, the application of the principle of Aparihaniya dhamma is used as a mechanism for enhancing the work.

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How to Cite
เหลืองพิทักษ์ ป. (2023). The Model of Wellbeing Network Enhancement of Temple Health Promotion Volunteer Monks in Lamphun Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 158–172. Retrieved from
Research Article


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