The effect of globalization to local culture in Rural Society

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Pakaus Poshakrishna


In the past, Thai rural society was filled with simplicity and sharing. When Thai society adopted the concept of globalization, there were many changes. After the National Economic Development Plan 1-8 that led Thai society form Thailand's agricultural society to become an industrial society. From the spread of prosperity from large cities to the outer regions, including the distribution of income to the locals. As a result, there has been a huge change in rural society and culture since the past. The way of life of people in rural society has changed. People in rural societies are far from the dynamics of large cities. It has begun to change into a new rural society that combines traditional cultural identity and the hustle and bustle of the big city society because the media influence it under the current of globalization. That came to play a role, such as Capitalism and Pop Culture. However, government agencies to organize activities that make children and youth aware of the risk of losing local culture and preserving culture. The result will cause children and young people are considered to be at a higher risk of being influenced by foreign cultures than older people, which will have an impact on society, traditions and culture. In long term, the culture may be forgotten from Thai social.

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How to Cite
Poshakrishna, P. (2023). The effect of globalization to local culture in Rural Society. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(3), 205–216. Retrieved from
Academic article



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