Animism in Thai Society

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Phrupalad Thanong Chayaparano (Wongsaya)
Phakru Sirisuttanuyut, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Pairin Na Wanna


From past to present, the belief in ghosts is a belief that has always been together. However, people in Southeast Asia have adopted Buddhism and Brahmanism but have yet to abandon their original beliefs completely. It caused the development of animism. The people in Southeast Asia combination of spirits, Brahmins and Buddhism together so well that it is part of the way of life of people in Thai society. It is unable to be separated from each other. Some of the new generations see it as a matter of ignorance. Nevertheless, at the same time, some new generations have a new word called Mutelu or Pai Mu. Mutelu is to attend an animist ritual. And the flesh is still a ritual that is tied to religion. The author therefore noted that there might be changes in the language signs that want to show the superiority of the word to look better than the original call. On the other hand, it is the use of the concept of Moral High Ground to demonstrate superiority in the field of faith. Moral High Ground is a concept that demonstrates that one's self-concept is higher than another set of beliefs by comparing one's mindset as superior to other belief sets and may criticize other beliefs.

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How to Cite
Chayaparano (Wongsaya), P. T. ., suttanuyut, Assoc. Prof. Dr., P. S., & Na Wanna, P. (2023). Animism in Thai Society. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 227–237. Retrieved from
Academic article


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