The Format, Story Content, Art Composition, and Art Tactical Techniques to Promote Morality and Ethics for Youth and Junior High School Students

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Phichet Suntornchot


This academic article aims: 1) to present information and guidelines for creating art related to styles, story content, art composition, and art tactical techniques to promote morality and ethics for youth and junior high school students. 2) to be used as academic information for the development and extension of artistic guidelines to promote morality and ethics for youth and junior high school students both in the present and in the future. The study found that the format can be transmitted in three ways: realistic, semi-realistic, and abstract, nevertheless, the format should not be complicated and must be related to the content of the story that is expressed to the target audience in each age group y focusing on stimulating ideas and realizing the good side. The content of the story can introduce both positive and negative aspects, but must not be disrespectful or risky to cause problems for society as a result. The artistic composition should take into account the unity, consistency, and harmony in the image that gives importance to artistic elements such as points, lines, colors, and shapes. Shapes, textures, etc. to create beauty along with it. As for the technical aspects, tactics should be combined and can be presented with unlimited techniques to support the story content and create interest in the story.

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How to Cite
Suntornchot, . . P. . (2023). The Format, Story Content, Art Composition, and Art Tactical Techniques to Promote Morality and Ethics for Youth and Junior High School Students. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(2), 238–253. Retrieved from
Academic article


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