An An analytical study of the environment of fully enlightened layman in Buddhism

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Phra Kumnoi Candasaro (Janjang)
Phrakhu Kovit Attawate (Udon Saengkaew)


The research study titled "An Analytical Study of the Environment of Fully Enlightened Layman in Buddhism" aims to address two main objectives: 1) to study the historical emergence of fully enlightened laymen as depicted in the Tipitaka, and 2) to analyze the environmental conditions conducive to the attainment of enlightenment among layman in Buddhism Content analysis.

The research findings reveal that

1)The process of attaining enlightenment is a cultivation of wisdom for understanding the Four Noble Truths and realizing the Dhamma. This attainment is classified into four categories: Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami, and Arahat. In the time of Buddha, there were laymen who achieved these stages of enlightenment as described in the Tipitaka. Such individuals included King Suddhodana, King Bimbisara, Anathapindika, Visakha Upasika, Cittagahapati upasaka, and Ugga householder. Each individual's path to enlightenment varied based on their past and present karmic conditions and their commitment to the main principles, which include the Four Noble Truths and Samyojana principles.

2)Regarding the analysis of the environmental factors conducive to the attainment of enlightenment, it was found that the internal environment required for a layman to attain enlightenment includes abstaining from heavy karma, desire, and retribution, while cultivating saddhā, chanda, and paññā. The external environmental factors include the political and legal aspects. In the Buddha's time, there were no laws restricting religious practices, making it easier for laymen to access Buddhism. Additionally, a favorable economic environment supported the pursuit of knowledge, along with societal and cultural aspects. Despite the influence of superstitious beliefs, the Buddha aimed to reform and emphasize knowledge and conduct as determinants of one's spiritual progress, irrespective of one's lineage, caste, or place of birth. It is the combination of knowledge and conduct, the individual's way of life that enables laymen to attain enlightenment.

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How to Cite
Janjang, kumnoi, & Attawate (Udon Saengkaew), P. K. (2024). An An analytical study of the environment of fully enlightened layman in Buddhism. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 32–47. Retrieved from
Research Article


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