The Leadership In Governance According To Dutitapapanikadhamma Of Sangha Administrators In Maeae On District, Chiang Mai Province

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Phra Issara Phuriwatthano
Sahathaya Wises
PhraMetheewachirakhun, Assoc. Prof.Dr.


The research aims to 1) study the governance of the Sangha Administrator, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province 2) study the administrative leadership according to the principles of Dutiyapapanikdhamma of the Sangha Administrator, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province 3) present guidelines for strengthening Administrative leadership according to the principles of Second Papanikdhamma of the Sangha, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province This is a qualitative research by interviewing 27 key informants/people, consisting of monks. novice monks Community groups or Buddhists in the area and descriptive content analysis

          The results revealed that:

          1) Governance of the Sangha. It was found that the principles of monastic administration in all 6 areas were used to govern, such as governing and monitoring the monks and lay people who are or reside in the temple to follow the Dhamma and Vinaya. It is engaged in the study, training, and teaching of the Dhamma and Discipline. Create a place to facilitate the performance of merit-making, etc.

          2)Administrative leadership according to the principles of the Sangha's Dutiyapānikāra in all three aspects. It was found that: 1) In the Chakkuma aspect, leaders must have a broad vision, a careful thought process and strategic planning. Developing the Sangha 2) Vithuro has knowledge in managing Sangha affairs. Be a person with work experience 3) in the field of social welfare Have the ability to communicate and coordinate with each department. Dependable

          3) Guidelines for strengthening the administrative leadership of the Sangha in all three areas. It was found that 1) the Chakkhuma side clearly defined visions and goals; 2) the Vithuro side organized training projects to increase expertise for themselves and subordinates 3) in the area of ​​​​nissayasampan Set guidelines for developing corporate communication systems and social communication.

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How to Cite
Phuriwatthano, P. I., Wises , S., & wachirakhun, Assoc. Prof.Dr., P. (2024). The Leadership In Governance According To Dutitapapanikadhamma Of Sangha Administrators In Maeae On District, Chiang Mai Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 92–105. Retrieved from
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