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Phra Tanavarad kidkivaramati (Jinda)
Sahathaya Wises


The study consisted of the following objectives: 1) to investigate the participation level of civil society in Covid-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Subdistrict, Ngao District, Lampang Province; 2) to compare the participation level of civil society in Covid-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Subdistrict, Ngao District, Lampang Province classified by personal factors; and 3) To present guidelines for the participation of civil society in the prevention of COVID-19 in Luang Nuea Sub-district, Ngao District, Lampang Province, according to Ariyasacca 4. It is a combined method of research, i.e., quantitative research. by answering the in-depth interview questionnaire. For a group of key informants, a total of 10 person and qualitative research were required. By answering the population questionnaire used in the research. Including people in the municipal area of Luang Nuea Subdistrict 6 villages by random population using the formula of Taro Yamane, the total population was 354 people. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Paired-Sample T Test.

From the study, the following results are found:

1) The participation level of civil society in Covid-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Subdistrict, Ngao District, Lampang Province in all 4 aspects is overall at a high level (x̄ = 4.41).

2) From comparing the participation level of civil society in Covid-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Subdistrict, Ngao District, Lampang Province classified by personal factors, it is found that there is no difference in the participation of civil society among people with different Covid-10 infection, ages, educational levels, and occupations; therefore, the null hypothesis of 4 factors was rejected.

          3) Guidelines for promoting participation of civil society in COVID-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Sub-district, Ngao District, Lampang Province, namely Ariyasacca 4 , consisting of 1. Dukkha: Suffering that people from various agencies come to find out about the COVID-19 disease that is spreading in their own area. To solve the problem of COVID-19 by meeting to discuss the problem fully 2. Samudaya: the fact that various agencies come in to investigate the cause or origin of the COVID-19 disease that is spreading within their own area, mainly led by the district public health and municipal agencies 3. Nirodha: by organizing a meeting to fully investigate the problem of solving and preventing the spread of the epidemic, as well as visiting various areas. 4. Magga: The path is that the people of various agencies apply solutions to problems in different areas. according to that situation to be evaluated and corrected according to the errors In order to close the loophole, there will be no more mistakes, which can also be used as a lesson next time. for the benefit of self-space efficiency.

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How to Cite
kidkivaramati (Jinda), P. T. ., Wises, S., & prariyatsuthee, P. (2024). THE PARTICIPATION OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN COVID-19 PREVENTION IN LUANG NUEA SUBDISTRICT, NGAO DISTRICT, LAMPANG PROVINCE. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 106–118. Retrieved from
Research Article


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