Administration of safety promotion in educational institutions, Schools in Galyani Vadhana District Under Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6

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อนุสรณ์ เสาร์คำ


This research had the objective to study the administration of safety promotion in educational institutions, and to study guidelines for development administration to promote safety in educational institutions of schools in Galyani Vadhana District, Under Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6, the population groups are school administrators, teachers, and educational personnel in Galyani Vadhana District, Under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6, academic year 2023, total 182 people And 8 school administrators who provided in focus group discussion The tools are used to questionnaires and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed by frequency percentage mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The results revealed that:

1) Administration of safety promotion in education institution overall were at a high level.

2) Guidelines for development administration to promote safety in educational institution found that, the prevention, educational institutions should provide easy and convenient communication channel regarding educational institutions security and should establish communication and public relationship formats in 4 channels, On Ground, On Line, On Air, and On Site. The cultivation, educational institutions should organize activities to enhance skills and experiences that. Focus on hand-on activities like to daily life, including avoid various dangerous for students, teachers, and educational personnel, and educational institutions, should use the quality cycle process (PDCA) to develop innovation in promotion safety in educational institutions towards excellence. The suppression side, educational institutions should establish agencies in case which legal action in required.

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How to Cite
เสาร์คำ อ. (2024). Administration of safety promotion in educational institutions, Schools in Galyani Vadhana District Under Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6 . MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 119–132. Retrieved from
Research Article


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