Title Study and analysis of death according to the viewpoint of buddhathatbhikku connected to the ultimate goal of buddhism

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Phrakhru Suwithannanthakhun (Nanthakit)



The objectives of this research were 1) to study the Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's perspective on death 2) to study the ultimate goal of Theravada Buddhism and 3) to analyze the Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's viewpoint on death that is related to the goal. supreme of Buddhism. This research is a documentary research by studying Tripitaka, Atthakatha, Deka, throughout the document. Textbooks and related research then compiled analyze data and presenting the research results in a descriptive form

The results showed that

1) Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu's view on death found that the Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu presented death as death before death. Die before the body dies, Death is complete but the head That is, the aim is to extinguish the ego that is 'Ku' and 'Ku' when the 'Ku' is dead so that the ultimate goal of Buddhism can be attained.

2) The ultimate goal of Buddhism, it is found that Nirvana is the ultimate goal of Buddhism, a state without lust, hatred, and delusion. Nirvana is divided into 2 types: Saupathisesa Nirvana which is Nirvana that still has some residual upādis, and Anupadises Nirvana is Nirvana where there is no residual clinging.

3) From the analysis of the concept of death in the viewpoint of the Buddhadasa Bhikkhu that is linked to the ultimate goal of Buddhism, it is found that the Threefold Principle can suppress Ku. 1. Let go of the ego with precepts (Death by precepts) Made by keeping careful in the precepts which allows him to enter a state of nirvana for a while because the mind is free from lust, hatred, and delusion. 2. Let go of the ego with concentration (Death by concentration) consisting of 4 ways of Anapanasatipatthana, Kayanupassana Satipatthana contemplating the inhaling breath so that consciousness does not escape from the breath Devananupassana Satipatthana Contemplating the happiness that arises according to the three characteristics, that is, to be seen as impermanent, impermanent, impermanent, non-self, with nothing to hold on to. 3. Let go of the ego with wisdom (Death by wisdom) When the condition that is in order of view able to see and distinguish name and form, giving rise to the truth that all things are non-self Until being able to completely destroy the ego.

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How to Cite
Nanthakit, S. (2024). Title Study and analysis of death according to the viewpoint of buddhathatbhikku connected to the ultimate goal of buddhism. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 165–176. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMHR/article/view/a-011
Research Article


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