The Development of A Model In Promoting Teacher Competency In Learning Management Based On The Four Noble Truths Of Banchangmorh School

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Maytiwa Kaewya
Phrakhruvititsasanatorn, Asst. Prof. Dr.
Phasina Tangchuang


This research aims to 1) Study the current situation in promoting teacher competency. 2) Create a model for promoting teacher competency 3) Experiment with the model for promoting teacher competency. and 4) Evaluate and develop a model for promoting teacher competency in learning management using the Four Noble Truths of Ban Chang Mo School. Research and Development (R&D) There were 21 key informants involved. The tools were a 3-round Delphi Technique questionnaire, an evaluation form, and a satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency distribution, finding percentage, mean, standard deviation, and index values.

          The research results found that

  1.        The current situation in the development of teacher competency in learning management consists of 5 areas: 1) creating and developing curriculum 2) knowledge and ability to design learning. 3) Learning management that focuses on students as important 4)Using and developing media technological innovation and 5) Measuring and evaluating learning outcomes.

  2. Create a model for promoting teacher competency, consisting of 1) Suffering, studying the general condition, step 2) Samutai, creating a database to design student-focused learning, 3) Nirod, experimenting with the use of developing a promotion model. Teacher competency 4) Path, evaluation of the use of developing a model for promoting teacher competency

  3. Experimenting with the model, it was found that after using the model to promote teachers' competency in learning management using the 4 Noble Truths of Ban Chang Mo School. has an average score higher than before using the format

  4. The results of the evaluation and development of the model found that after using the model for promoting teacher competency, the values were higher than before using the model and teachers' satisfaction with the model for learning management with the 4 Noble Truths of Ban Chang School. pot at a high level

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How to Cite
Kaewya, M., sasanatorn, Asst. Prof. Dr., P., & Tangchuang, P. (2024). The Development of A Model In Promoting Teacher Competency In Learning Management Based On The Four Noble Truths Of Banchangmorh School. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 220–235. Retrieved from
Research Article


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