The School Curriculum Administration at the Early Childhood Education of Private Schools in Bueng Kum District Under the Office of the Private Education Commission

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Kanokporn Hongsong
Sangwan Wangcham
Tasnee Boonmaphi
Surasak Suttasiri


The purpose of this research is to study the administration of the early childhood education curriculum of private schools in Bueng Kum District. Under the Office of the Private Education Commission and to study guidelines for developing the administration of the early childhood education curriculum of private schools in Bueng Kum District. Under the Office of the Private Education Commission Mixed research design The study population includes educational institution administrators and teachers from 7 private schools in Bueng Kum District, a total of 75 people in the academic year 2023, and experts in focus groups. Purposefully selected 7 people.

The research tools were questionnaires and semi-structured interviews in group discussions. Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation. and content analysis.

          The research findings revealed

          1) In terms of improving and developing the curriculum management process, in the aspect of supervision, monitoring, and in summarizing the results of curriculum administration operations. Preparation of school curriculum Planning and implementation of the curriculum Preparation of educational institutions Operational aspect of curriculum administration Overall, all 7 aspects are at a high level.

          2)Guidelines for developing school curriculum management are that administrators should increase training for personnel to gain knowledge and understanding about early childhood education curricula in 2017, allowing relevant persons to organize curricula. Roles are defined for those involved to be responsible for supervision. Evaluate regularly Prepare reports on supervision, monitoring, and evaluation in accordance with educational management goals of the educational institution.

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How to Cite
Hongsong, . K., Wangcham, S., Boonmaphi, T., & Suttasiri, S. (2024). The School Curriculum Administration at the Early Childhood Education of Private Schools in Bueng Kum District Under the Office of the Private Education Commission. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 281–295. Retrieved from
Research Article


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