The intellectual property violation: athinnāthāna in the digital age

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Patya Satanpayap
Phoonchai Punthiya


This research article has three objectives: 1. To study intellectual property infringement in the digital era. 2. To study Athinnāthāna in Theravada Buddhism. 3. To analyze intellectual property infringement: Athinnāthāna in the digital era. It is research of documents from the Tripitaka, Commentary, and various research works, used to write analytical and descriptive narratives.

The results of the study found that:

1)Criminal and civil liability for infringers of intellectual property rights (copyright) is a concept in Western law. Intellectual property protection under two international laws that are party to it is the Berne Convention and the TRIPS Agreement. There are both criminal and civil punishments for violators. Criminal protection is a form of punishment by the state which includes three types of penalties: imprisonment, fines, and confiscation of assets.

2) Athinnāthāna in Theravada Buddhism is the prohibition of stealing. It is the second precept of a layperson and the second precept of a monk. If you violate the precept of Athinnāthāna, If you are a layperson, besides being immoral, you may be punished according to the laws of the country. If you are a monk, you may be liable according to the settlement rules. As for the benefits of refraining from Athinnāthāna, both laypeople and monks will receive two parts: 1) received while living will have good fortune, and 2) receive it after death He will be born in the heavenly world.

3) Infringement of intellectual property (copyright), which is a criminal and civil offense, amounting to 9 offenses. From the analysis, it was found that In the case of a layperson, the violation is Athinnāthāna. In the case of a monk, if the damage is more than 5 masaka, if the violation is done, he is considered parajik. But if the damage is less than 5 masks, it is not a crime but may be an offense, etc.

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How to Cite
Satanpayap, P., varanuyut, P., & Punthiya, P. (2024). The intellectual property violation: athinnāthāna in the digital age. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 358–373. Retrieved from
Research Article


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