The Eightfold Path: Administrative Ethics

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Phrakhru Kowitbunkhet
Phrakhru Prapatpanyatorn
Phrabaidika Thawatchai Charanathammo
Amnaj Thapin


An observation of the problems currently affecting the country is that corruption complaints in the country cost a lot of money, to the point that the country has been stuck with developing countries for a long time. This cause is the result of common problems. General characteristics of efficiency can control administrative efficiency, until legal form control measures based on different considerations and laws or independent organizations that inspect and evaluate can also reduce the rate of recognition of illegal acts. This is clearly evident in the news and online news every day. The severity of the false belief That will become an important issue for obvious reasons with the country in particular of the state in this article. The reason for wanting to present the idea of synthesizing the Eightfold Path is to start considering management and control in the control system to control work efficiently.

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How to Cite
bunkhet, P. K., panyatorn, P. P., Charanathammo, P. T., & Thapin, A. (2024). The Eightfold Path: Administrative Ethics . MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 427–436. retrieved from
Academic article


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