Changes in the propagation of Buddhism by monks in the New Normal era

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Phramaha Akkapon Chutintharo (Moonlok )
Phairin Na Wanna


This article aims to analyze aspects of the new lifestyle change or New Normal of Buddhist monks that occurred after the COVID-19 crisis (COVID-2019) had spread widely and caused More deaths and the leaders of each country to take measures to prevent it. Including formatting in life with a different form, such as a change in the form of social coexistence educational change occupational change cultural changes, etc., but when the world changes Buddhist monks who are religious leaders must change their roles to support the activities of the Sangha, especially the main tasks of more proactive work activities, namely: 1. Change and adaptation in education to have science Leapfrog research and innovation that affects the acceptance of the global society. and 2. Changes and adaptations in the propagation of Dharma, especially the use of technology in the form of online work and various media innovations to reach the target group easily, conveniently and quickly. Although there are many variations in the Buddhist propagation patterns of Buddhist monks in the New Normal era, the author will present only 2 issues because both of them are very important to the world today that is related. between each other and supporting the work roles of monks in the new era.

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How to Cite
Chutintharo (Moonlok ), P. A. ., & Na Wanna, P. (2024). Changes in the propagation of Buddhism by monks in the New Normal era. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(2), 437–447. Retrieved from
Academic article


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