Development of Corporate Governance of Employers and Employees according to Buddhist Principles in Thai society.

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Somchai Nantapirat


Good governance is a principle that has been with Thai society since the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand BE 2540. It has been combined with the enactment of a royal decree on criteria and procedures for public administration since 2003. It enables government agencies, state enterprises, and public organizations to carry out their activities in accordance with the rule of law, the principle of morality, the principle of transparency, the principle of participation, the principle of responsibility, the principle of worthiness for more than 20 years. For the private sector, it uses the term "Corporate Governance" to aim for good corporate governance. It can represent the relationships and shared responsibilities of all stakeholders. For governance in Buddhism, although it does not have a direct relationship, it can lead to its application for human development, job development, personnel relations and organizational development. This article aims to analyze for the development of good governance of employers and employees according to Buddhist principles in Thai society, which are: a lower direction i.e., an employee and an employer. For employees, there are 1) starting work early, 2) quitting after the boss, 3) no dishonesty, 4) being efficient at work, and 5) admiring and praising the boss. For employers, they should have generosity which includes 1) assigning appropriate tasks, 2) giving annual bonuses and rewards, 3) providing reasonable benefits, 4) giving gifts on special days, and 5) scheduling holidays and vacations.

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How to Cite
Nantapirat, S. (2022). Development of Corporate Governance of Employers and Employees according to Buddhist Principles in Thai society. MCU Haripunchai Review, 6(1), 75–90. Retrieved from
Academic article


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