Developing the Model of the Team Managing Focused on the Innovation of Professional Learning Community (PLC) to improve the efficiency of the general management of Ban Sala School under Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization

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Praditphong Aphirattikul
Phasina Tangchuang
Chalee Pakdee


This research aimed 1) to explore the state of general administration of Ban Sala School under Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization, 2) to find the model for team management using the principle of PLC innovation, 3) to try out the model for team management using the principle of PLC innovation, and 4) to evaluate the development of team management model using the principle of PLC innovation to develop the effectiveness of general management of Ban Sala School under Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization. This study was a research and development with 29 key informants and focus group of 8 people. The tools were interview, focus group, assessment of teamwork level before and after using the model and satisfaction assessment. Data were analyzed using basic statistics, mean and standard deviation.

          The research results showed that:

  1. The general administration of the school had much strength, but there was still the point that should be developed and could team management using the principle of PLC innovation to improve the general management effectiveness.

  2. The model of team management using the principle of PLC innovation had been accepted by experts. There were 4 steps: Plan-Do-Check-Act and SC-Model that consisted of S: Supportive & Shared leadership, C: Collective learning and application of learning and Professional Learning Community

  3. The experiment of the team management model using the principle of PLC innovation with target groups in Ban Sala School during August 2022.

  4. The evaluation results of the team management model using the principle of PLC innovation after using the model of working together as a team, there was overall a better improvement and the satisfaction at the high level.

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How to Cite
Aphirattikul, P., Tangchuang, P., & Pakdee, C. (2024). Developing the Model of the Team Managing Focused on the Innovation of Professional Learning Community (PLC) to improve the efficiency of the general management of Ban Sala School under Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(1), 1–16. Retrieved from
Research Article


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