Guidelines for Development of the internal quality assurance systems of Khamthieng Anussorn School

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Krittaporn Kaewta
Chalee Pakdee
Phramahasakun Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr.


This research aims to 1) Study and analyze the condition of the quality assurance system within the educational institutions of Kamthiang Memorial School. and 2) to find a way to develop an internal quality assurance system at Kamthieng Memorial School. qualitative research The main informant group consisted of 8 figures or people. The research tool was the interview frame. and group chat Content analysis Descriptive presentation

The results showed that

          1) Problems in the quality assurance system within educational institutions of the Kamthieng Memorial School, the weaknesses and limitations of the Kamthieng Memorial School, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. There are 7 issues in total, especially the issue that is a problem for the internal quality assurance system, namely the quality of self-assessment report preparation. There is still a lack of serious participation, lack of integration of the P D C A process in the operational process. Teachers and stakeholders still lack real participation.

          2) Guidelines for developing quality assurance systems within educational institutions of Kamthiang Memorial School, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province It was found that there were 7 C: 7 Khamtieng Quality Guidelines as follows: 1) Guidelines for creating standard quality 2) Guidelines for making a quality education development plan 3) Guidelines for implementing a quality education development plan 4) Guidelines for 5) Guidelines for monitoring performance to develop schools to meet educational standards 6) Guidelines for creating quality self-assessment reports 7) Guidelines for developing educational institutes for quality based on self-assessment reports

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How to Cite
tarn, yeetarn ., Pakdee, C., & Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr., . P. (2024). Guidelines for Development of the internal quality assurance systems of Khamthieng Anussorn School. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(1), 191–205. Retrieved from
Research Article


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