The development of 21st century teacher competencies in Yupparaj Wittayalai school, the secondary education area, Chiang Mai.
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The Purposes of this research were to study the competencies of teachers in the 21st century and to study guidelines to develop the competencies of teachers at Yupparaj Wittayalai School under Chiang Mai Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The sample groups were 127 teachers. The 13 people who gave information in focus group discussion. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The research results found that, the overall competency of teachers in the 21st century was at a high level. When considering each aspect and sorting the average values from the highest to the lowest, it were found that teachers ethics and professional ethics competency was at a high level, followed by teamwork competency, information technology media competency, measurement and evaluation for development competency, leadership competency, curriculum administration and learning management competency, critical thinking and problem solving competency, learning management with an emphasis of students competency, self-development competency and classroom management competency were at a high level, respectively.
The guidelines for development teacher’ competencies in the 21st century were that school administrators should have guidelines for development teachers’ competencies though to process of creation professional learning community between teachers in the same learning group and with educational administrators, should have guidelines for development the leadership and have activities to continually build morals for teachers, should have as a good example personal, should have guidelines development teachers to be able to thinking process skills for students organizing teaching and learning activities, and should have guidelines for development teachers to be able to design learning process and design learning measures and evaluation to be consistent with the 21st century in a concrete way.
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