Artificial Intelligence: Active Learning teaching with morality of teachers in Thai educational institutions.

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Phra Chaloei Imthap
Thatsanee Nueangdad
Phra Pinit Dvngna


From the development of technology in teaching and learning With Artificial Intelligence (AI), the study focuses on developing teaching and learning for students to have knowledge and abilities. The word Artificial Intelligence can be separated into two perspectives. View 1: A system that imitates humans. View 2: A system that has reason. Artificial intelligence is a machine that has many functions and the ability to understand. Learn various knowledge of humans is almost complete Artificial intelligence systems have been introduced into educational institutions in the teaching process using Active Learning, which is learning that creates interaction together. Provide opportunities for students to participate. Learners have hands-on experience through activities. Through learning media such as applying games as activities for students to create fun. and stimulates students to be alert to teachers and students together What artificial intelligence cannot imitate or do like humans is learning morality. Morality is goodness that is cultivated in the mind. It is Dhamma that controls physical, speech and mental behavior, knowing right and wrong. Fear of doing evil To stay within the framework of goodness Students in the era of educational reform What will make him a complete human being, both physically and mentally, and a human being of value to society in the future? Teachers must include the topic of "morality" so that students do not go astray. Students are like pure white cloth. Receive both physical and mental training. Grow up to be a complete human being. It is an important mechanism for driving the country forward

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How to Cite
Imthap, P. C. ., Nueangdad, T., Dvngna, P. P. ., & runsuwannadit , P. (2024). Artificial Intelligence: Active Learning teaching with morality of teachers in Thai educational institutions. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(1), 301–312. Retrieved from
Academic article


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