Guidelines for the Management of Buddhist Educational Institutions

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Thatsanee Nueangdad
Phra Cholay Imtap
Phrakhru Wirunsuwandit


Both formal and non-formal education is the basic education of all Thai people, called qualifications, through passing the level examinations of each stage. Education in today's era has developed very quickly with information technology systems that are unconsciously inserted into the education system. Thus, both formal and informal education tends to lack morality and ethics. Therefore, the management of educational institutions should focus on Buddhist principles to be integrated with the problem situations in the way of modern society. To be consistent with the way of life today and as a way to help students who face a variety of problems from a rapidly developing society. By applying Buddhist principles as a guideline for educational institution management to be in line with the rapidly changing social environment with information technology.

         Educational institution means a social institution which deals with the formalization and transmission of culture. educating and professional skills training for being a good member of society Educational institutions include schools, universities, ministries, bureaus and departments that are responsible for education. These social groups consist of position or social status such as teacher, lecturer, etc. Duties of educational institutions is the transfer of knowledge, culture and skills necessary for living in society Educational institutions are one of the key components of social stratification. Therefore, educational institutions are likened to a place to polish and convey culture, knowledge and good professional skills for living in society.

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How to Cite
Nueangdad, T., Imtap, P. C., & พระครูวิรุฬสุวรรณดิตถ์ Phrakhru Wirunsuwandit P. W. (2023). Guidelines for the Management of Buddhist Educational Institutions. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(3), 163–173. Retrieved from
Academic article


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