Sappurisadhamma With Buddhist Organizational Management

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Phrakrusamu Sutthkant Sutthapañño (Kankham)


This article paper has the objective to study about integrated Buddhist organizational management. The use of corporate management concepts and Buddhist principles as key ingredients to ensure effective and sustainable management of the organization. The managing an organization must be efficient and effective. Achieving the goals of the organization. It's all the key concepts adopted are inevitable when it comes to planning. Organization, structuring, command, coordination, and control. One of the necessities for effective organization management is the application of Buddhist principles. In particular, the 7 Sappurisadhamma that corporate executives must know the cause and effect of planning their operations, know how much potential they have and how much potential they have. Moderation in management that does not constrict subordinates. Know the timing of management, what to do, when, and choose the right timing. As well as having the skills to be a liaison with external networking organizations to become administrative partners. Look at the benefits that organizations can receive if we know how to associate with individuals, organizations, which will bring about the benefits of the organization. It brings about the success of the organization in good and quality management. It hopes not just for personal gain without paying attention to professional accuracy and fairness. That would entail ethical disparities for executives. And those responsible for the work.

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How to Cite
Sutthapañño (Kankham), P. S. (2023). Sappurisadhamma With Buddhist Organizational Management . MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(3), 174–187. Retrieved from
Academic article


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