The The application of Buddhist principles in educational administration in the 21st century.

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Thawatchai Phatthanapali


The aim of this article is to present the concept of applying the principles of Buddhism, namely the 7 principles of Sappurisadhamma, for educational administration for the 21st century to create awareness. and realize the importance and necessity of educational administration for change Educational administrators must have high 2. Atthanyuta: knowing the results In this section, the administrators know the results or benefits that will occur. Able to analyze the results that will be obtained from various operations. 3. Attanyuta: Knowing oneself Educational administrators must analyze aptitude knowledge The ability of the co-workers. Educational administrators must know budget estimates that can be used for school administration. expectations and look at the future with vision. Have a creative mind Give importance to learning and create intellectual excitement in schools and classrooms. According to the principles of Sappurisadhamma 7, namely 5. Kalanyuta: knowing time, educational administrators must know how to plan the appropriate time for each administrative task. Education administrators should study what needs of those communities. will result in true community cooperation 7. Pukkhalo Paranyu acquaintance with person Executives should know that each individual In order to be able to choose jobs for each individual according to their abilities and aptitudes in order to make the operation run smoothly.

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How to Cite
Phatthanapali, T. (2023). The The application of Buddhist principles in educational administration in the 21st century. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(3), 246–258. Retrieved from
Academic article


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