Integrated Buddhist Method for Creating Political Reconciliation in Thailand

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Phanom Sripued
Phisit Kotsupho
Thepprawin Chanraeng


This research was qualitative research by documentary research using focus group interviews with important target groups. There were 30 people in total. The results showed that: The concept of politics and government in Buddhism is of 3 principles of sovereignty namely: 1) Attàdhipateyya is government that uses one's own authority, 2) Lokàdhipateyya is government that uses the supreme authority based on the opinions of the majority, and 3) Dhammàdhipateyya is a rule based on   righteousness. Problems and political reconciliation process in Thailand Political conflicts are widespread, violations of the rule of law, serious violations of the principles of democracy. The national reconciliation process under this atmosphere of widespread ideological divisions must be activated by dialogue process at two levels: 1) the level of political representatives and direct stakeholder groups, and 2) the level of people in the area in the form of the Thai forum. The integrated Buddhist way of creating reconciliation in Thai politics is to apply the principles of Sãrãnĩyadhamma to create reconciliation: 1) In creating conflicts and violence physically, verbally, and mentally,coup d'etat, slander,  the principles of Mettākāyakamma, Mettāvacākamma, and Mettāmanokamma are in need. 2) On selfishness. Corruption, the Sādhārañabhogitā is in need. 3) In the unfair treatment, injustice, unfair use of power, the Sĩlasāmaññatā, is in need. 4) On the different opinions, creating divisions of thought, the Ditthisāmaññatā is in need. The creation of harmonious atmosphere is the prerequisite, the precondition for building a path to harmony and the peaceful society.

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How to Cite
Sripued, P., Kotsupho, P., & Chanraeng, T. . (2023). Integrated Buddhist Method for Creating Political Reconciliation in Thailand. MCU Haripunchai Review, 7(4), 33–48. Retrieved from
Research Article


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