The Development of an Administration Model for Student Care and Support Systems Suanboonyopatham School, Lamphun, Lamphun Province
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The research aims to 1) Study the administrative conditions of the student support system. 2) develop a student care and support system administration model, 3) try out a student care and assistance system operating model, and 4) evaluate the use of the student care and support system operating model. Suanbunyopatham Lamphun School, Lamphun Province, research and development model, population includes administrators, teachers, school committee. Suan Bunyopatham School, Lamphun Province, in-depth interviews with 13 people and group discussions with 6 people. Tools include interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis includes frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, pair t-test, and content analysis.
The research results found that:
1) Conditions of the administration of the student care and assistance system at Suan Bunyopatham Lamphun School, Lamphun Province, found that the counselors were able to screen 3 groups: normal group, at-risk group, and problem group. They have developed life skills. and student development
2) Develop a management model for the student care system. It was found that (1) planning work and projects (2) developing teachers in schools with knowledge about using tools to screen students (3) screening that is of the same standard and (4) supervision, monitoring, inspection, and evaluation using various methods
3) Experimenting with the operating model of the student support system. It was found that the operations in each group were different. and solving problems for students who are at risk and are in a problem group This allows teachers to solve problems differently. and not in the same direction
4) Evaluate the results of using the student support system operating model. It was found that after the experiment in screening students in normal groups, risk groups, and problem groups, the efficiency was higher than before using the model. Statistically significant at .01.
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