Integrated Buddhist Leadership Development for the Leadership of Women Politicians in Lamphun Province

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Samart Boonrat


The research aimed to 1) study the leadership of female politicians, 2) study the factors affecting the development of leadership of female politicians, and 3) guideline for developing integrated Buddhist leadership for the leadership of female politicians in Lamphun Province. The sample group consisted of 400 people in Lamphun Province. The instrument had a reliability value of .887. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. In-depth interviews were conducted with 18 individuals, content analysis, and focus group discussions were conducted with 10 individuals to confirm the knowledge gained.  

          The research results found that:

          1) The leadership of female politicians in Lamphun Province was found to be at a high level overall, and transparency was at a moderate level.

          2) The leadership factors according to Buddhist principles that affected the leadership of female politicians in Lamphun Province were found to be at a high level overall, followed by personal factors such as marital status and educational qualifications. The relationship with the leadership of female politicians in Lamphun Province is at a low level. The variables of gender, age, occupation, and average monthly income are not related to leadership. Therefore, the first hypothesis is accepted. The main factors of the Brahmaviharas Dhamma, namely loving-kindness, compassion, and mudita, are at a moderate level related to overall leadership. As for equanimity, the relationship with overall leadership is at a low level. Therefore, the second hypothesis is accepted. 3) The guideline for developing integrated Buddhist leadership for the leadership of female politicians in Lamphun Province by integrating the Brahmaviharas Dhamma principles found that 1) the principle of loving-kindness includes setting policies to take care of all involved people without leaving anyone behind. 2) the principle of compassion includes establishing a team to solve problems in the area by selecting people who are capable of solving problems in terms of quality of life. 3) the principle of mudita includes celebrating success, considering merits using moral values ​​in the heart. And 4) the principle of equanimity includes setting neutral administrative and governance policies, aiming to create public benefits by working without discrimination.

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How to Cite
Boonrat, S. (2024). Integrated Buddhist Leadership Development for the Leadership of Women Politicians in Lamphun Province. MCU Haripunchai Review, 8(3), 444–460. retrieved from
Research Article


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