
  • เดโช - แขน้ำแก้ว Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University


Buddhism In Europe, The Primary, Current Changes


                  This article’s objective to study the primary and current changes of Buddhism in Europe. The research found that, there are 3 phases of Buddhism: Ancient time that there is no evidence to confirm that it has spread to Europe since, But should come by individual Europeans. A prosperous era that spanned the attention of European scholars, resulting in the publication and translation of many Buddhist scriptures. The new era in which the new wave of Buddhism expands to more Europeans, spreading into new societies, that has a European Buddhist culture. Because, Buddhism has the principle of reason, giving freedom to the worshipers, encourage people to love each other for compassion, academic writing for creating society, artifacts of faith and a practical learning center. But there is a problem of capitalism affecting the occupation; lack of time to the temple, the leader of the monk lacks the vision of propagating Buddhism, the monastic organization is not strong enough and monks do not understand the language, resulting in poor communication. Guidelines for propagating Buddhism by using academic philosophy, sects and modernizing the propagation model.Because Europeans are respecting. And turned to respect Buddhism: England, Germany, Netherlands, France and the Soviet Union, The trend is that Europeans will become more Buddhist in the future.


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How to Cite

แขน้ำแก้ว เ. .-. (2019). BUDDHISM IN EUROPE: THE PRIMARY AND CURRENT CHANGES. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 4(2), 1–17. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/206076



Academic Article