Ethical Standards

Ethical Standards for Authors

1. The author must be responsible and certify that the manuscript was submitted for publication in the Journal of Buddhist Anthropology. The author must not submit a manuscript that has already been published or is under consideration for publication by other journals.

2. The author must strictly comply with the criteria for submitting manuscripts for publication in a journal of Buddhist anthropology, including the citation system, which must also follow the criteria of the journal.

3. The author must edit and correct the manuscript according to the format of the journal as described in "Instructions for authors," especially editing the format of the original manuscript, which will lead to having the same standardized publication format as others.

4. The author must consider research ethics. The author must not infringe or plagiarize other people's work as their own. The journal has determined to use the CopyCatch program on the ThaiJo website for plagiarism check.

5. The author whose name appears in the manuscript must have contributed to the manuscript or the research. In this regard, we strictly reserve the right to not allow those who did not contribute to the preparation of the manuscript. If any dishonesty finds that there was no such person involved in the preparation of the manuscript, the journal will immediately withdraw the manuscript.

6. The authors must be responsible for the citation of the content, images, or tables. If the author used their own articles, they should specify the "source" to prevent copyright infringement. If there is a lawsuit, it will be the sole responsibility of the author. The journal will not be responsible for anything and will immediately withdraw the article from the journal's publication.

7. The author must verify the accuracy of the references list both in terms of format and content and must not refer to academic papers that have not been read or put in the bibliography, but the author must reference the citation style of the manuscript. The citation must be in the format specified by the journal.

8. The author must revise the manuscript according to the evaluation results from the reviewers and the Editorial Board Members to be completed within the specified time. If not, the publication will be postponed or withdrawn from the journal.

9. The author should name the funding sources for the research (if any) and any conflicts of interest (if any).

10. In the manuscript, the author must not report information that is inaccurate, whether by creating false information or forgery, distortion, including embellishment, or choosing to display specific information consistent with the conclusion.

11. The author should not reference documents that have been withdrawn. Unless the statement to support is a statement related to the removal process, it should be stated in the reference document as it is a document that has been withdrawn.


The Ethical Standards for the Editor

1. The Editor must supervise and follow up on the journal’s work according to the policy and objectives in an ethically correct manner, according to the Thai Journal Citation Index Center (TCI) on the ethics and ethical standards of Thai academic journals in the TCI database dated June 24, 2019 and July 21, 2023.

2. The Editor must supervise and monitor and carry out the appropriate action against authors or articles that are found to have violated ethics or ethical standards, such as violating or plagiarizing other people's works as their own. The journal has set the repetition of the paper with the CopyCatch program on the ThaiJo website.

3. The Editor must supervise and monitor the publication of articles that have a conflict of interest, for example, the publication of one’s own articles (as Editor or Editor-in-Chief) or the absence of publication before the quality check by experts who are not affiliated with the article, etc.

4. The Editor is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the quality of the manuscript for publication in a journal, and the manuscript must be selected for publication after the review based on the clarity and consistency of the content with the journal's policy. They must also have a key message reflecting the perspectives and theoretical concepts gained from experience, a synthesis of documents or research focusing on presenting new concepts, theories, and conceptual models that help enhance understanding and lead to research on important academic topics.

5. The Editor must not disclose any information about the author or the reviewer to any party during the review process. The journal uses a rigorous double-blind peer review process in which both reviewers' and authors' identities remain anonymous.

6. The Editor must not publish a manuscript that has already been published in any form. Manuscripts will be thoroughly checked for plagiarism on the ThaiJo's Journal website using trusted programs such as CopyCatch to ensure that all published articles in the journal are published without plagiarism. The review procedure must be stopped if plagiarism is detected in any case, and the editor will immediately contact the main author to ask for clarification in order to "accept" or "reject" the publication of that manuscript.

7. To ensure good governance in the work, it must be strictly forbidden for the editor to have any conflicts of interest with the author or the reviewer.

8. The Editor must not take some or whole parts of any article to be own work.

9. The Editor is responsible for publishing research papers that have correct research methodology and present reliable results by using the results of the research as an indicator for publication or not.

10. If the Editor finds out that the article has been plagiarized with dishonesty or falsified information that deserves to be removed but the author refuses to withdraw the article, the editor can withdraw the article without the author's consent, which is the right and responsibility of the Editor.

11. The Editor is responsible for considering the competency of the Editorial Board Members and should assign work to match the abilities of each person.

12. The Editor must supervise both themselves and the Editorial Board Members in terms of the number and quality of journal citations that are distorted from reality, such as requesting to cite articles in journals either confidentially or openly and referencing in an incorrect way that is inconsistent with the content.

13. The Editor must supervise the collection of the page charge or processing fee, which must be transparent, such as by requiring a clear announcement of the collection process or specifying the price or conditions of the page charge as specified in the announcement strictly.


The Ethical Standards for the Reviewers

1. The reviewers should only accept to review manuscripts in their area of expertise by considering the importance of the content in the paper to that field of study, the quality of the analysis, and the intensity of the work. However, since the author did not refer to the manuscript being reviewed, the reviewer should not use personal opinions without supporting information as the criteria for judging the manuscript and should refuse to review the manuscript that they are not experts at.

2. The reviewer should have ethics in giving their own academic opinions in the evaluation form or content in the manuscript with fairness, unbiasedness, directness, objectivity, and timeliness that are specified for the journal.

3. The reviewer must have ethics to protect the confidentiality of the manuscript and not disclose information about the submitted manuscript to an unrelated person during the review procedure and also after the manuscript has been considered.

4. After receiving the manuscript from the editor, the reviewers realize that they may have conflicts of interest with the authors that make them unable to give their opinions and suggestions independently. The reviewer must notify the editor and decline to review that manuscript.

5. The reviewer should consider the topics assigned. If it is a manuscript of academic article, the title may be changed; however, if it is a manuscript of research article, only spelling errors should be considered; the title should not be changed.

6. The reviewers must not take some or whole parts of any article to be own work.

7. When the reviewer discovers that any part of a manuscript has similarity or redundancy with other manuscripts, the reviewer must notify the editor with clear evidence.


Publication Misconduct Statements

Journal of Buddhist Anthropology (JBA) has a rigorous process for managing any publication misconduct. JBA is dedicated to upholding and conforming to ethical standards and actively responding to any complaint of publication misconduct with strictness. JBA emphasizes the following principles:

1. Plagiarism: JBA has a rigorous process for plagiarism. Any kind of plagiarism is considered severe misconduct. Representing others’ work without giving credit to its real owner, which may include copying a partial or complete work without proper permission, is considered prohibited conduct. If the manuscript is detected as plagiarism, it will be rejected immediately.

2. Falsification: Falsification means tampering or distorting the results, which are existing results. JBA strictly prohibits any kind of changes or distortion. The Author must present reliable and credible data. Any kind of falsification is considered a severe offense of publication misconduct.

3. Multiple Submissions: JBA does not support multiple submissions to the journal for a simultaneous review process with other journals. The Author should not submit a published article or any manuscript that is under review to multiple journals. Multiple submissions are considered to be publication misconduct, and such manuscripts that commit this misconduct will be rejected.

4.  Authorship Disputes:If there is any kind of authorship dispute, the Editor will consider the evidence of significant participation in the research. The Author must properly represent the participation of relevant participants in the research and present accurate and comprehensive data about the research methodology. JBA places an emphasis on integrity and transparency. All disputes must be resolved before submitting a manuscript to the journal.

5. Peer Review Integrity:Reviewers must evaluate a manuscript with objectivity and fairness without bias or conflict of interest. Reviewers must disclose any conflict of interest that may affect the review process of the manuscript. Additionally, reviewers must respect confidentiality and not disclose any information about a manuscript to other persons without permission. JBA emphasizes upholding the integrity of the review process with reviewers and strictly prohibits any kind of distortion with the process. Reviewers must recommend creative and beneficial suggestions for a manuscript’s improvement and conform to the guidelines that are regulated by the journal.

6. Retraction and Corrections: When errors occur with published articles, JBA has measures for retraction and corrections to errors or misconducts that occur within published articles, depending on the situation. Retraction means the complete elimination of published articles from the system, which operates within cases of severe misconduct. Corrections mean publishing to correct any errors or incorrect information by operating in cases of minor misconduct and not affecting the main conclusions of the journal. Retraction and corrections will be conducted in an immediate, swift, and transparent manner, according to the journal’s guidelines.

7. Reporting Misconduct: If any publication misconduct is detected, JBA will allow the Author, detectives, and readers to report any publication misconduct, ethical violation, or other incident by contacting the Editorial Board Members. JBA has strict conduct for investigating any report of mentioned misconduct in a thorough and systematic manner, which operates on the appropriateness of the journal.

Journal of Buddhist Anthropology (JBA) has utmost determination and dedication to the integrity of the process that is rigid, strict, and persistent in the conduct for safeguarding and eliminating any publication misconduct to foster the trust of the Author, detectives, critics, and readers. JBA upholds the publication standards for publishing academic works and the utmost ethical standards at any step. When any publication misconduct occurs, JBA will immediately operate with appropriateness according to the journal’s regulated guidelines and standards.  


Translated and updated from

Announcement of Thai-Journal Citation Index Center (TCI) on Ethics/Ethical Standards Assessment of Thai Academic Journals in the TCI Database on June 24, 2019