
          The authors must comply with the online submission guidelines to submit the manuscript to the Journal of Buddhist Anthropology (JBA). Foremost, authors must visit JBA register page at Register and follow each step in the instructions for creating and uploading files. The authors should take into consideration that the manuscript files used for the review process will also be necessary for additional processing after acceptance.

          All communications concerning submission, including notification of the Editor-in-Cheif's decision and requests for revision, will take place via e-mail and the author's homepage. This online submission process eliminates the requirement for a hard-copy paper trail, providing a constant and efficient manuscript submission and review system.

  Manuscript format

         JBA publishes articles in English and Thai languages, including the format with these following details.

            Format for preparation of the manuscript in English

  1. The manuscript must not exceed 8,000 words and must be in the layout with the size of an A4 sheet (excluding references). The manuscript must be single-sided pages using THSarabunPSK font. The authors must set the value of the margin of all pages at 1.5 inches on the top margin and 1 inch on the bottom margin. The authors must set the value of line spacing to 1 pt. The authors must separate each heading in the manuscript. The authors must present sharp pictures in the manuscript, and all presented pictures must indicate the number, such as Figure 1 at the bottom, setting in bold. All presented pictures must describe complete and comprehensible details that do not require readers to repeat reading the text. The authors must specify the order of all images in the manuscript, and the description must be concise and consistent with the presented pictures. The authors must present tables that look sharp, and the author must put the number on top of the table, such as Table 1, along with titles of the pictures and titles of the table, and all details written in English.
  2. The title of the manuscript must be in English.
  3. The information of the authors must be in English.

                   3.1 The information must indicate their name, affiliation, agency, province, and country.

                   3.2 The authors must indicate the E-mail address of the article coordinator or lead author.

  1. The abstract must be within 500-600 words per abstract. 
  2. Keywords must be 3-5 words in English with a comma between each keyword.
  3. Paragraph Spacing, the main heading must be on the edge of the left margin, each main heading must set its letter on 18 pt in bold, each sub-heading must be on 16 pt in bold, the next line must be away from the main heading by hitting the Tab key one time. The beginning of the new main heading must be single-spaced from the previous line.
  4. The usage of numbers, abbreviations, and parentheses, authors must use only Arabic numerals in the manuscript. The abbreviations must be universal. The usage of parentheses is a must for every English word, such as, (Student-centered learning).


          Format for preparation of the manuscript in Thai

  1. The manuscript must not exceed 8,000 words and must be in the layout with the size of an A4 sheet (excluding references). The manuscript must be single-sided pages using THSarabunPSK font. The authors must set the value of the margin of all pages at 1.5 inches on the top margin and 1 inch on the bottom margin. The authors must set the value of line spacing to 1 pt. The authors must separate each heading in the manuscript.
  2. The title of the manuscript must be in Thai and English.
  3. The information of the authors must be in Thai and English.

                   3.1 In Thai, the information must indicate their name, affiliation, agency, province, and country.

                   3.2 In English, the information must indicate their name, affiliation, agency, province, and country.

                   3.3 The authors must indicate the E-mail address of the article coordinator or lead author.

  1. Abstract: The Thai abstract must be 500-600 words, and the English abstract must present coherently with the Thai abstract. For Thai articles, an extended English abstract is strictly required. It must present the background, objectives, methodology, clear results according to the research objectives in orderly sequences, the involvement to Buddhist teachings, Buddhadhamma or applications of Buddhist teachings, and conclusions. The journal requires an English abstract to indicate clarity, adherence to grammar, and correct spelling. It must present the following details;

                   4.1 Abstract in Thai must present Background and Objectives, Methodology, Main Results, Involvement to Buddhadhamma, Conclusions, and Keywords.

                   4.2 Abstract in English must present Background and Objectives, Methodology, Main Results, Involvement to Buddhadhamma, Conclusions, and Keywords.

  1. Keywords must be 3-5 words in Thai and English with a comma between each keyword.
  2. Paragraph Spacing, the main heading must be on the edge of the left margin, each main heading must set its letter on 18 pt in bold, each sub-heading must be on 16 pt in bold, the next line must be away from the main heading by hitting the Tab key one time. The beginning of the new main heading must be single-spaced from the previous line.
  3. The usage of numbers, abbreviations, and parentheses, authors must use only Arabic numerals in the manuscript. The abbreviations must be universal. The usage of parentheses is a must for every English word, such as, (Student-centered learning).
  4. Presentation of figures and tables for articles written in Thai

                   8.1 All presented figures must be in high-solution and indicated with clear and complete details, which does not require readers to reread the captions below the figures. The Author must specify the order of all figures in a manuscript with numbers along with their titles, for example, “Figure 1…” placed below that figure, setting in bold and all figures must indicate the captions described coherently with the figures. All figures and their titles must be indicated in English.

                   8.2 All presented tables must be clear and indicated with clear and complete details. The Author must specify the order of all tables in a manuscript with numbers along with their titles, for example, “Table 1…” placed below that table, setting in bold and all tables must indicate the captions described coherently with the tables. All information in every table and their titles must be indicated in English.


          All manuscripts must be composed of four separate files, including:

  1. Primary manuscript file (Microsoft Word document)
  2. Ethical approval letter (optional)
  3. English language approval letter (optional)
  4. Complement data (optional)

Submission Preparation Checklist

          The Journal of Buddhist Anthropology (JBA) requires authors to follow a submission preparation checklist to ensure the manuscript adheres to the journal's guidelines, including:

          1. Authors must read the aims and scope to assess the manuscript's suitability for the journal.

          2. Authors must use the template in Microsoft Word to prepare the manuscript.

          3. Authors must consider and comply with publication ethics, research ethics, copyright, authorship, figure formats, research data, and referencing style.

          4. Authors must ensure all corresponding authors have approved the content in the manuscript.

          5. Authors must verify that the manuscript is neither formerly published nor under review in another journal.

          6. Authors must write the manuscript in clear and concise English, with correct grammar and spelling.

          7. Authors must include an abstract of 500-600 words with 3-5 keywords that accurately reflect the manuscript's content.

          8. Authors must organize the manuscript comprising explicit sections, including Introduction, Methodology, Originality and Body of Knowledge, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations, Acknowledgment, and Reference.

          9. Authors must include any necessary high-quality figures and tables relevant to the manuscript's content.

          10. Authors must provide accurate and complete references with the APA7 referencing style.

          11. Authors must include any necessary acknowledgments and funding sources for the research (if any).

          12. Authors must double-check that the submitted files are complete, error-free, and in the correct format.

          13. Authors must review the submission preparation checklist to ensure compliance with all requirements before submitting the manuscript for consideration in the Journal of Buddhist Anthropology (JBA).

Ethical Considerations for Author

          1. Originality and Plagiarism: Authors should verify that the article consists of originality and that the authors never publish that work. Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited, including duplicating content from sources without appropriate citation.

          2. Authorship: Authors should detail all individuals who notably contributed to the research as authors. It is essential to accurately attribute authorship and provide proper acknowledgments for contributions that do not fulfill the standards for authorship.

          3. Data Integrity: Authors must present valid and reliable data in the manuscripts. The journal considers data manipulation, fabrication, or selective reporting unacceptable.

          4. Conflict of Interest: Authors should declare any financial or personal relationships that may affect the interpretation of the research findings or develop potential conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest include any funding or associations that may prejudice the work.

          5. Human and Animal Subjects: If the research concerns human or animal subjects, authors must comply with ethical guidelines and acquire demanded approvals from pertinent ethical review boards. Participants in the research must obtain notified consent, and the author must protect the privacy and confidentiality of participants.

          6. Acknowledgment of Sources: Authors should adequately acknowledge the work of others, including appropriate citations of previous studies and relevant references. Authors should ensure that they are permitted to use copyrighted information and provide proper attribution.

          7. Peer Review Process: Authors should accept the peer review process and provide authentic and entire information to reviewers. The authors should respond professionally and transparently to commentaries and recommendations from reviewers.

          8. Mistakes and Corrections: If substantial mistakes or inaccuracies are discovered in a published article, authors have an ethical obligation to inform the Editor-in-chief as soon as possible and collaborate in issuing corrections or retractions if required.

          9. Publication Misconduct: Authors should withhold from associating with publication misconduct, such as exploiting citations, Plagiarism, or submitting the same article to multiple journals simultaneously.

          10. Compliance with Ethical Guidelines: Authors should adhere to pertinent ethical guidelines specific to their research sample or methodology, such as guidelines from professional associates or agencies, both state and private agencies.