Garbage, 3Rs Model, Chamai Subdistrict MunicipalityAbstract
The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows: 1) To study the management of garbage of people according to 3Rs model in Chamai Subdistrict municipality, Thungsong district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. 2) To compare the management of garbage of people according to 3Rs model in Chamai Subdistrict municipality, Thungsong district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, occupations and monthly incomes as differently. 3) To study the suggestion were concerned with promotion on the management of garbage of people according to 3Rs model in Chamai Sub district municipality, Thungsong district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. The population were people in in Chamai Subdistrict municipality, Thungsong district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, totally 13,286 persons, sample size according to the table of R.V. Krejci and D.W.Morgan, got the sample at the number of 372 persons. Stratified Random sampling The instrument for data collection was questionnaire both closed and open-end questions. Data analysis by package computer program, The statistics were used as follows, frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t–test, F-test and LSD method.
The results reveal that:
- The management of garbage of people according to 3Rs model in Chamai Subdistrict municipality, Thungsong district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province by overviews are at high level, when consider in each aspects from more to less find that the aspect of garbage reduce is the highest mean and follow up the aspect of reuse and the aspect of recycle is the lowest mean, respectively.
- The comparative results of management of garbage of people according to 3Rs model in Chamai Subdistrict municipality, Thungsong district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province in term of age find that there are different as statistical significance at .001, in term of degree of education find that there are different as statistical significance at .05, in term of sex, occupation and monthly income found that there were not different as statistical significance at .05.
- The suggestion are concerned with promotion on management of garbage of people according to 3Rs model in Chamai Subdistrict municipality, Thungsong district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province find that there should have campaign on garbage separation before throwing, to have training for more awareness in reduction of garbage, to have project for making a reduction and using of garbage in community in each types of garbage at home, school, and office for insert on the process of recycle.
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