
  • Rattanaluck Suwannapong Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Busakorn Suksan Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Tanakit Turisut Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Model, Development, Student s’ Skill Level in the 21st Century, Primary School


The purposes of the research were 1) to study the condition and student skill level in the 21st century of primary school at Udon Thani province and 2) to create the student development model in the 21st century of primary school at Udon Thani province. There are two steps of process and develop research such as 1) to study the content and 2) to create model and evaluate by mixed methodology such as qualitative by using the simple random sampling questionnaire. The group of sample includes student from grade 6 under primary school of Udon Thani area for total 388 persons by using statistic, percentage frequency, standard deviation and quality. The interview form is structured using specific sampling by main informant such as executives and officers in government and private sector for total 10 persons By using content analysis and overview to get the information.

The research found that: 1. The condition of student s’ skill level in the 21st century was divided into five parts that include with 1) information communication technology and media skills 2) critical thinking and problem solving skills 3) communication and collaborate as a team skills 4) life and career skills and 5) learning and innovation skills. This is an overview in the middle level about student s’ skill level in the 21st century (= 3.46, S.D. = 0.67) 2. The student skill development model in the 21st century included with principle, objective, reasoning, activities, development, indicators and evaluation method. In the summary, there are 5 forms and 32 activities that include with first form, to develop the communication and collaborate as team skills by 5 activities, second form, to develop the life and career skills by 12 activities, third form, to develop the learning and innovation skills by 9 activities, fourth form, to develop the information communication technology and media skills by 3 activities and fifth form, to develop the critical thinking and problem solving skills by 3 activities. Finally, the result found assessment from 5 activities that has an average greater than 3.51 so considered passing the feasibility evaluation criteria. The advantage, suitability and justice included the student skill development model in the 21st century that can apply to realistic.


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How to Cite

Suwannapong, R. ., Suksan, B., & Turisut, T. . (2020). KINDERGARTEN DEVELOPMENT MODEL IN THE 21ST CENTURY OF PRIMARY SCHOOL AT UDON THANI PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(2), 403–420. Retrieved from



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