
  • Phramaha Pongtaratid Kongseang Khon Kaen University
  • Homhuan Buarabha Khon Kaen University
  • Wichian Sanmee Khon Kaen University


The Desirable Role, Thai Buddhist Monk, Present And Future


This article wants to point out the desired roles of current and future Thai monks. The author studied from the theory of roles based on western concepts. And the role of the Thai monks today, which is within the framework of Dhamma discipline Era and society comprising Ideal role Roles that people understand and the role that is actually expressed including the study of factors that cause changes in the role of Thai monks. Which the author uses the data from this document study to analyze together with the data obtained from in-depth interview area. Making it possible to see the trend of the role of Thai monks in the future Leading to the conclusion of the desirable role of the present and future the study result found that changing roles of Thai monks caused by three social factors ; the time period, social conditions and state conformity. The role of Thai monks in the future have tends to be in 3 characteristics as follows 1) The role of Thai monks in the future must adhere to the principles of discipline. 2) Be careful the risk of randomness to the world because the technological advancement can be people are able to access the information quickly and 3) Society also has expectations or wishes that monks should play a role in society in two states: spiritual leadership and leaders in community relief only that the monks need to change the format to be consistent with the time period and social conditions. As well as in accordance with government policies. By comparing the results of this study with previous studies, it was found difference, results provide answers on how monks play and how they will be change. Meanwhile the results of this study focus on the answer that how is the role of Thai monks in the present and future. Therefore, will meet the needs of society under the framework of the Dhamma discipline.


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How to Cite

Kongseang, P. P. ., Buarabha, H. ., & Sanmee, W. . (2020). THE DESIRABLE ROLE OF THAI MONK IN PRESENT AND FUTURE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(1), 1–15. Retrieved from



Academic Article