Samut Sakhon Provinces, Human Trafficking, CrimeAbstract
The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows:: 1) to study the problems in the operation of the prevention and suppression of human trafficking crimes at the police station in Samut Sakhon Province. 2) to seek guidelines for solving problems of the prevention and suppression of human trafficking crimes at the police station of Samut Sakhon Provincial Police. The sample population of 23 people, Provincial Social Development and Human Security Officer of 20 person, Provincial Labor Protection and Welfare, And the Provincial Employment Office 1 person each of 3 people. The tools used in the research were Survey In-depth interview structure Analysis using the method of analyzing descriptive data Content analysis and inductive summary analysis. The results of the research showed that: 1) Samut Sakhon province is a contact area with the sea. There are both agricultural occupations. Large industrial factories, medium, small and easy to cause human trafficking problems Police stations everywhere were experiencing problems using foreign workers who lack knowledge, understanding of laws and police officers with insufficient manpower. Therefore must focus on public relations and inspection with other agencies At present, human trafficking is in the form of illegal prostitution, children under the age of 18, through online media (LINE closed), which authorities cannot access. The issue of human trafficking in most provinces affected by mass media Causing the burden of news editing to fall on the police working Causing redundant and harder work High class commanders will look negative. Causing lack of morale and encouragement for human trafficking operations 2) Guidelines for solving problems of working at the police station level by bringing Information Technology to help increase speed and flexibility. 3 MIT is coordination/mediation methodology Information Technology causing accumulation in the manpower that is working as knowledge And extending the results to those who have never worked in this field Resulting in the efficiency of work both prevention, protection, prosecution and knowledge and effectiveness that can reduce the severity of human trafficking at the surveillance level.
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