
  • Siriwan Junrodjana Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • Krisada Chienwattanasook Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi


Quality of Work Life, Work Environment, Organizational Commitment


The objective of this article is to study the quality of work life and the working environment that affect employee organization commitment. This research using quantitative research by survey research method. The population is 909 employees of Furukawa Fitel (Thailand) Company Limited which is located in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. Calculated from the known formula of the population size of Taro Yamane . There are a total of 310 samples. This study used quota sampling to get samples from all departments. After that, randomly selected as convenient. The instrument used in the research was a questionnaire for checking the confidence of the questionnaire that measured all 3 variables with the Cronbach alpha coefficient greater than .85. The statistics used to analyze the data include frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Moreover, the hypothesis was tested by Multiple Regression Analysis. Research Findings: the quality of work life is high level in term of social integration is highest mean, work environment is high level in term of security is highest mean and organizational commitment of employees are high level in term of affective commitment is highest mean. The result from hypotheses testing has also found that the quality of work - life in terms of organizational democracy and social work can affect the level of organizational commitment. Additionally, the research also indicated that the work environment in terms of safety and security, organization and management, wages, specific characteristics of the job, societal characteristics of the job, and communications have affected the level of organizational commitment at 0.05 statistical significance level.   


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How to Cite

Junrodjana , S. ., & Chienwattanasook, K. . (2020). QUALITY OF WORK LIFE AND WORK ENVIRONMENT AFFECTING ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT OF EMPLOYEE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(4), 160–174. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/240008



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