
  • Suchada Wongsawat Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nakhonratchasima
  • Viliporn Runkawatt Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nakhonratchasima


Happiness, Elderly, Rural Area


          The Objectives of this research article were to study the happiness level of the elderly, the factors that make the elderly happy, and ways to live a happy life of the elderly in the rural area of Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The subjects were 400 elderly, which were obtained by the multistage sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire that was approved for content validity and reliability (IOC = .66 - 1.00, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient = .74). Data were analyzed for frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results showed that the elderly felt the highest level of happiness on were having a good relationship with their neighbors, followed by ensuring that the residential community is security, and being able to help others solve problems, respectively. The factors that make the elderly the happiest included going to the temple, listening to the Dharma, making merit, praying to the monks, followed by happiness from being with family and grandchildren, and being happy with work, respectively. As for the ways to live a happy life, most elderly had suggested that one should behave as a good person, namely, be honest, grateful, humble, respectful and disciplined in life, followed by diligence, determination to work, and keep on seeking knowledge, because knowledge is an important cost for making a career and earning, respectively. Based on the findings of the happiness of the elderly, it is suggested that, in order for the elderly to live happily, family members play an important role. They should give time and take care of the elderly with understanding. Society should provide opportunities for the elderly to work according to their potential, have a market to support the product to increase income, as well as encourage the elderly to participate in various activities, to create pride and feel valuable.


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How to Cite

Wongsawat, S. . ., & Runkawatt, V. (2020). THE HAPPINESS OF THE ELDERLY IN THE RURAL AREAS OF NAKHON RATCHASIMA PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(10), 17–34. Retrieved from



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